Quintana Roo is preparing to recover as a tourist power in Latin America during the year 2021.

The Governor of the State of Quintana Roo, C.P. Carlos Joaquín González, expressed that the World Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which will be held next March, with Cancun as its headquarters, will greatly help the growth of tourism and the holding of events that will have to engage with the new normal.
He explained that it is an important event, transcendent for the world tourism sector in planning for the coming years, and will contribute to this year "we move forward together and we recover as a tourist power in Latin America", Carlos Joaquín added that, to recover growth economic, economic diversification is also promoted to grow towards the central and southern areas of the state, in industrial and agro-industrial matters, and thus generate the jobs that people require.

“We have been promoting these sectors with the Industrial Park with a Strategic Fiscalized Area and the Central de Abastos in the south which, together with the start of the free zone or free zone of Chetumal, will help a lot to recover the economic sector and jobs. of the state, "he said.
According to perspectives from the Quintana Roo Tourism Promotion Council (CPTQ), it is expected that, in the second half of this new year, the growth numbers will begin to approach those of previous years, as weddings and conferences will be back in Quintana Roo, with the health protocols established for this new normal.
Part of these projections are generated from the “Mexican Caribbean: the Best of Two Worlds” campaign, in which Mexico and the Caribbean are promoted, and where, in addition, the possibility of visiting two or more tourist destinations in Quintana Roo is merged .

Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean were the first to receive the Safe Travels seal from the World Travel and Tourism Council.
Likewise, according to the Federal Tourism Secretariat (SECTUR), Quintana Roo is one of the nine tourist states in the country that holds 10 blue flags (Blue Flag) on its beaches and other sandy areas such as Las Perlas, Chac Mool, Ballenas and El Niño, which have a validity period that ranges from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

Finally, with the Blue Flag certification, the implementation of good environmental, safety and service practices, environmental education and water quality on beaches, marinas and tourist boats is guaranteed.
Therefore, in Quintana Roo, these protocols are complied with to have the beaches and the turquoise blue sea, of which the people of Quintana Roo are proud, as they distinguish them worldwide and will allow the economy to recover growth.